Dorset Sheep

STATUSLeast Concern


DIETGrasses, roughage, and alfalfa

RANGENative to Wales, Dorset, Devon, Somerset, but are now globally domesticated

HABITATPasture and open grasslands

Dorset Sheep

Physical Description

The sheep has a characteristic wide face and long body and comes in white. They can get up to 275lbs.There are two types of Dorest Sheep, the Polled and Horned Dorset. Besides the absence of horns in the Polled strain, they are identical. They will lay down in pastures or fields and chew cud, helping in the digestion process due to the fact that they have a 4-chambered stomach, also known as ruminants.


Predators of sheep can include coyotes, wolves, foxes, bears, dogs, eagles, bobcats, and mountain lions.


They can live anywhere from 9-20 years.


Dorset sheep are prolific breeders and will breed all year round. They can produce multiple lambs per year.

Fun Facts

  • The Dorset sheep is one of the oldest sheep breeds in existence. They originated from a similar looking species in England and were then later brought to the United States in 1885.
  • They can produce up to 9 pounds of medium-grade wool annually.

Conservation Messaging

Goats as well as barnyard animals are commonly kept as pets on farms and ranches. It is always best to do your research before moving forward with purchasing any livestock. These animals require different needs from say your dog or cat.

For instance, most livestock animals are herd animals so having one is not an acceptable option. As always, every animal has individual needs that must be met in order to provide the best possible welfare which means you will need a veterinarian that specializes in hoofstock.

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